frog of the month

march's frog of the month is...

frogsmith frogimar

his Job: frogsmith
his passion: The Ores
favorite color: red
he can make anything as long as it's a sword
he knows the secret to smithing Frogamantium
he forged Swampscalibur and gave it to the Froggy of the Pond for enchanting
he looks stern but that's just because he takes his job seriously
favorite genre: metal

this month's art by rob

frog of the YEAR!

The Frog of the Year voting window has closed! See you next year!

hall of frogs

All previous Frog of the Year winners are inducted into the legendary Hall of Frogs!



his job: cross country runner
favorite color: red
favorite fruit: papaya
likes: the smell of rain, a good book, and a moist depression in the earth to sleep



favorite food: family sized french fry plate
favorite hobby: rodeo
over 700 ribbits tall (2 inches when converted from frog units)
they like to peek over the fence and look at what you're doing
each one carries a shard of the secret key to Froglantis
one of them tells only truths, one only lies, the other 4 lie and tell truths at varying amounts
one of them might be named Hugh but i'm too shy to ask
their wisdom: do make a mountain out of a froghill actually
they say you shouldn't but you should

You Have Found A Mystical Frogloon (Frog Dabloon)!

Exchange It For:
Pond Front Property

this is an optional badge for frog of the month club members to put on their pages if they so choose! copy one of the bbcodes below:

(without FotM site link)
(with FotM site link)


january's frog of the month was...

TJ BiggS

(Timbothy Jordan BiggShoe)
his job: waiting in line at footlocker
his hobby: waiting in line at footlocker
his disclaimer: not sponsored by footlocker
he has over seven shoes and three of them have pairs
he can definitely 100% walk in those shoes but he does not want to right now
he's talking to Frobert about getting into hats as well

art by joel

february's frog of the month was...

fribby the frog

their job: sheriff
can draw their tongue faster than any frog
once hunted the known outlaw Texas Fly
they caught Texas Fly from 4 feet away
and the swiftness of the froggy is still talked about today
oh he might've went on flyin', but he made one fatal slip
when he tried to match the froggy with the big tongue on their lip

art by rob


january's frog of the month was...

Captain Swampy

his job: floating down the creek and listening to the bog
favorite color: green
favorite smell: orange
sometimes boats with Crouton Jr
will give you a ride across the creek for 3 frogloons
sometimes he will reveal his secret swamp stories

art by rob

february's frog of the month was...


home computing polliwog system
skills include: spreadsheets, graphs, generate polygons
favorite food: bug.png
programmed with over 3 frog games
all frommodore PCs come with a free froggy disk

art by rob

march's frog of the month was...


the Froggy of the Pond gave him Swampscalibur, but he is too small to use it
one day when he's big enough he will go on a quest
he must retrieve the crown of Froggalot from the dragon's hoard
if you are brave enough he will bring you with him
also his favorite color is red and his favorite flavor is blue

art by rob

april's frog of the month was...


her job: making various Potions at various Prices
her favorite potion is Potion of Frog Power
(gives you +10 to all frog-based power)
she sleeps in the cauldron also
her and Oszbert are rivals who cast spells at each other

art by rob

may's frog of the month was...


their job: being Wide and Round
favorite weather: overcast with a chance of rain
they are very sensitive
they only appear once a year because the april showers summon them

art by joel

june's frog of the month was...


favorite food: family sized french fry plate
favorite hobby: rodeo
over 700 ribbits tall (2 inches when converted from frog units)
they like to peek over the fence and look at what you're doing
each one carries a shard of the secret key to Froglantis
one of them tells only truths, one only lies, the other 4 lie and tell truths at varying amounts
one of them might be named Hugh but i'm too shy to ask
their wisdom: do make a mountain out of a froghill actually
they say you shouldn't but you should

crocheted with love by joel

july's frog of the month was...


4 minutes old
lives in this cup
he loves this cup
likes to drink various beverages
his job: growing legs, learning to air
wants to be a frog when he grows up

art by rob

august's frog of the month was...


favorite color: red
favorite beverage: BIG FROG™ Protein
hobbies: being Strong, being Powerful
has the strength of over 3 frog
can throw a ball over 3 feet
WILL help you move
once carried a stack of over 16 frogs in one hand for 1 mile uphill both ways

art by rob

september's frog of the month was...


his job: eat
favorite food: cricket
current mood: hangry
spent all day catching a succulent cricket meal
looked away for one second and now he can't find it ANYWHERE
doesn't want help looking because he's stubborn

art by joel

october's frogs of the month were...

The Mad Frogtor Frogenstein & Frogtor Frogenstein's Fronstor

  • The Mad Frogtor, Frogtor Frogenstein, is a Frog From the Fraught and Frightening Fenland of Frogsylvania

  • Frogenstein's Fronster was Fabricated in the Foulest Frogpit, from Fresh silt and clays Frazzled by Fiery Flashes of Lightning

  • Despite Frogenstein's Fronster's Frightening Face, most Frogs Find Frogenstein's Fronster quite Friendly

  • Frogenstein's Fronster, however, Finds Friendship Far From reach due to Frogtor Frogenstein's Frightening Fits of Evil Laughter

  • Nevertheless, Frogenstein's Fronster has one Fine Friend in Philip F. Fliesman IIII (they're a Fly)

  • Frogtor Frogenstein's Favorite Food: Fish Fingers, but actual Fingers (scary)

  • Frogenstein's Fronster's Favorite Book: Frogbumps

  • Quote From Frogtor Frogenstein: heeheeheehoo ha ha, mwahahaha hoo ho hee hee hoo

art by joel & rob

november's frog of the month was...

Frussel Frogerson

their job: Going Up
their favorite color: green
favorite cloud type: cumulonimbus
goes UP with the help of their Bug Sidekicks: Bugville and Wilbug
dreams to some day go up to the top of the sky and see a Froglien
KNOWS the earth is round (seen it)
can name every cloud type

art by rob

december's frog of the month was...

Freegly Froglorp

its job: Zorping the Gleep Glorp
favorite shape: trapezoid
favorite food: glimp-itz
it will abduct a frog but only because it wants someone to play Zario Blart with
its laser blaster fires 1000 Bleemps per Bleebo
quotes to remember: "Bleebo Blorp Zip Zoop Slurm :)"
maybe it comes in peace

art by rob


february's frog of the month was...


its job: frogshare service

art by rob

march's frog of the month was...


his job: puddle inspector
favorite color: purple
has read 13 books in his life
has the power to flip (but only once)

art by rob

april's frog of the month was...


his job: cross country runner
favorite color: red
favorite fruit: papaya
likes: the smell of rain, a good book, and a moist depression in the earth to sleep

art by joel

may's frog of the month was...


their job: tennis legend and racecar driver
favorite color: maroon
has 18 frogloons in their savings account
their dad can beat up your dad

art by rob

june's frog of the month was...


her job: agenda coordinator
mood: prideful
can bake a mean brownie
handstand for up to 13 seconds
knows where all the good pond spots are

art by rob

july's frog of the month was...


her job: working
has a collection
knows several people
also knows your wi-fi password

art by rob

august's frog of the month was...


they will not tell you who is who
they are inseparable
herman can throw a baseball like 4 feet
sherman can croak very loud
neither of them have ever lost at connect 4
they were born under a full moon

art by rob

september's frog of the month was...


his job: laundry
very mysterious, nobody knows where he came from
knows several magical spells
likes pumpkin spice lattes and digging holes in the sand

art by joel

october's frog of the month was...


has bones
emerges every halloween to go trick or treating
knows where the houses that have the full size candy bars are
knows the forbidden incantation to summon level 4 ghosts

art by rob

november's frog of the month was...


job: frisbee champion
favorite shape: trapezoid
got a collection of over 4 hats to suit any emotion
crawling under your door right now
flat frog friday

art by rob

december's frog of the month was...


his job: forklift certified
favorite color: blue
owns a lily pad down by the creek
has a collection of smooth river stones
might juggle them if you catch him on a good day

art by rob




they will receive:
a commemorative pin
an egregious sum of frogloons deposited directly into their bank account
their very own pondcast

some cool stat stuff for those interested:

  • In total, we received a staggering 403 votes! That is about an 18% increase in voting participation from last year.

  • FRIENDLY FROGHILL came in first, receiving 22.1% of the total votes.

  • LITTLE DENNIS came in second, receiving 13.6% of the total votes.

  • SOGGY came in third, receiving 12.9% of the total votes.

  • SOGGY and FUNGUS THE FAMISHED were tied for third place for most of the voting period, and SOGGY came out on top at the very last second by a single vote!

  • This year we saw a much wider spread of favorites compared to last year's vote. For 2023 most of the votes went to the top three frogs, but for 2024 we saw a lot more competition for the frodium (frog podium).

  • Just like last year, every single frog received not just votes-- but love as well-- from our FotM club members. We're looking forward to another year of frogs, and we hope everyone else is too! Thank you so much for your support!